Monday, March 20, 2006

Daddy Bar On Demand

So, I know that there are very few people reading this. And, given that there is a rather small audience, few people will find much use in the fact that I've published this blog as an RSS feed. But, I did it anyways. Blogger makes it possible to do this with the built-in Atom capability. But, who the heck uses Atom? Well, many newsreaders don't, including My Yahoo, which is what I like to use. So, I went to Feedburner and used their free service to "convert" the Atom feed to RSS. So, if you want to get my feed and always see the latest posts from me in your newsreader, just point to the following URL,

Feedburner is easy and gives you some basic stats on subscribers, but that doesn't mean much when you only have two.

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